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Если бы не год на афишке и не электронные адреса, решила бы, что это 30-40-е гг

22.05.2012 в 12:28
Пишет Merrybran Brandybuck:URL записи
Если бы не год на афишке и не электронные адреса, решила бы, что это 30-40-е гг

He was born blind due to his father’s ill deeds, and finally became the kengyo, the highest social status for the blind in Edo, through robbery, threat, murder and everything evil. This is the story of the unprecedented villain Suginoichi, also known as the second Yabuhara Kengyo.
The picaresque masterpiece, which is presented as the fourth program of the “Hisashi Inoue 77th Anniversary Festival 2012,” has been acclaimed in Japan and the world since its premiere in 1973.
With the cast from various backgrounds including the kyogen actor Mansai Nomura and staff that has thorough knowledge and experience about Inoue’s works led by the director Tamiya Kuriyama, this production will be the final and perfect version of the play. The finest tragicomedy, with the tsugaru-samisen-style guitar rhythm and narration by Mekura Tayu (blind reciter), newly revives now!
А премьера будет ажно 12 июня.